Christopher Bruns

Completed College Courses

Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses

Course Number Course Name Description*
ECE 111 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering Introduction to electrical and computer engineering problem solving, design and professional issues
ECE 173 Introduction to Computing Programming in a high level language with applications to engineering computation, analysis, and design.
EE 206 Circuit Analysis 1 Linear electric circuits. Component models, circuit laws, transient analysis, design issues, computer tools.
ECE 275 Digital Design Introduction to computer arithmetic, designing combinatorial circuits, and designing basic sequential circuits.
ECE 311 Circuit Analysis 2 Analysis of single-phase and three-phase circuits. Laplace transforms in circuit analysis. Fourier series. Two-port networks.
ECE 320 Electronics 1 Characterization, modeling, and analysis of digital circuits using diodes, BJTs, FETs, and Op Amps.
ECE 321 Electronics 2 Characterization, modeling, and analysis of digital circuits using diodes, BJTs, FETs, and Op Amps.
ECE 341 Random Processes Principles of probability. Application of probability and statistics to electrical and computer engineering problems.
ECE 343 Signals and Systems Discrete-time and continuous-time signals and systems. Linearity, frequency response, difference and differential equations, transform techniques. Course covers a variety of essential mathematical concepts including complex arithmetic, difference and differential equations, convolution, Laplace transforms, z-transforms, and various Fourier representations.
ECE 374 Computer Organization Organization and structure of the major sections of a computer: CPU, memory, and I/O system organization and implementation issues.
ECE 376 Embedded Systems Use of microcontrollers for data acquisition and device control. Includes assembly language and high-level programming, serial and parallel I/O, timers and interface design.
ECE 401/403/405 Senior Design Create a Professor avaliable/unavaliable board that connects via blutooth with another senior design project. App for students to interact with, includeing weather, Professor announcements, and calander using Raspberry Pi and touchscreen.
ECE 433 Power Systems Design Unbalanced power systems, economic dispatch, transients in power systems, power system stability, power system protection.
ECE 474 Computer Architecture opics pertaining to computer architecture will include: pipelining, caches, memory, I/O superscalar and out-of-order instruction execution, speculative execution, vector execution, multithreading, and multiprocessors.
ECE 475 Advanced Digital Design Master advanced logic design concepts, including the design and testing of synchronous and asynchronous combinational and sequential circuits using state of the art CAD tools.
ECE 483 Instrumentation for Engineers Study of instrumentation including design, fabrication, and application.

Computer Science Courses

Course Number Course Name Description*
CSCI 114 Microcomputer Packages General introduction to computer concepts, operating systems, the internet, word processing, spreadsheets, database management, and presentation software.
CSCI 122 Visual BASIC Introduction to programming in the BASIC/Visual BASIC language.
CSCI 160 Computer Science 1 Introduction to computer science including problem solving, algorithm development, and structured programming in a high-level language. Emphasis on design, coding, testing, and documentation of programs using accepted standards of style.
CSCI 161 Computer Science 2 Continuation of CSCI 160 that emphasizes more advanced programming language features and basic data structures. Students will learn to incorporate advanced programming features such as Interfaces and Generics into the programs they develop.
CSCI 222 Discrete Mathematics Sets, functions, relations, logic, methods of proof, mathematical induction, combinatorics, recurrence relations, generating functions
CSCI 336 Theoretical Computer Science Parsing techniques, context-free languages, Turing machines, recursive and recursively enumerable languages, unrestricted grammars, unsolvable decision problems, computability, introduction to computational complexity.
CSCI 372 Comparative Programming Languages Fundamental concepts of programming languages and inherent design choices are analyzed. The course focuses mainly on concepts of block-structured and object-oriented languages, but other languages, such as declarative and functional languages, also are discussed.
CSCI 413 Principles of Software Engineering An introduction to concepts of software engineering. Software development activities through a project. Lifecycle models, requirements, specification, design, implementation, and testing. Software quality, tools, and techniques.
CSCI 459 Foundations of Computer Networks This is an introduction to fundamental concepts for the design and analysis of broadband networks. Topics include resource allocation, routing, congestion control, medium access, scheduling, and multicast. Concepts are applied to state-of-the-art systems and protocols such as current and future Internet protocols.
CSCI 467 Algorithm Analysis Design, correctness, and analysis of algorithms and data structures.
CSCI 474 Operating Systems Concepts How operating systems manage the resources of a computer. Topics include processes, concurrency, scheduling, deadlocks, memory allocation, virtual and secondary storage.

Math and Science Courses

Course Number Course Name Description*
Chem 121 General Chemistry 1 Matter, measurement, atoms, ions, molecules, reactions, chemical calculations, thermochemistry, bonding, molecular geometry, periodicity, and gases.
PHYS 251/251L University Physics 1 Newtonian mechanics of translational and rotational motion, work, energy, power, momentum, conservation of energy and momentum, periodic motion, waves, sound, heat, and thermodynamics.
MATH 107 Precalculus Equations and inequalities; polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions; inverse trigonometric functions; algebraic and trigonometric methods commonly needed in calculus.
MATH 129 Basic Linear Algebra Systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, lines and planes in space, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
MATH 165 Calculus 1 Limits, continuity, differentiation, Mean Value Theorem, integration, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and applications.
MATH 166 Calculus 2 Applications and techniques of integration; polar equations; parametric equation; sequences and series, power series.
MATH 265 Calculus 3 Multivariate and vector calculus including partial derivatives, multiple integration, applications, line and surface integrals, Green's Theorem, Stoke's Theorem, and Divergence Theorem.
MATH 266 Introduction to Differential Equations Solution of elementary differential equations by elementary techniques. Laplace transforms, systems of equations, matrix methods, numerical techniques, and applications

Other Courses

Course Number Course Name Description*
COMM 110 Fundamentals of Public Speakinig Theory and practice of public speaking with emphasis on content, organization, language, delivery, and critical evaluation of messages.
COMM 112 Understanding Media and Social Change Exploration of the purpose, function, and impact of media on society.
ECON 105 Elements of Economics Study of demand and supply, competitive and noncompetitive markets, concepts of national income, unemployment, inflation, money, and fiscal and monetary policies.
ENGL 120 College Composition 2 Advanced practice in reading and writing of various genres for different situations and audiences. Includes field research, collaboration, and visual communication.
ENGL 225 Introduction to Film General introduction to film studies, including analysis of narrative and stylistic elements of films for their artistic merits and their reflection of an influence on society.
ENGL 321 Writing in the Technical Professions Intensive practice employing the conventions of professional genres to write about technology development and use for expert, business, and more general audiences.
ENGR 402 Engineering Ethics and Social Responsibility Philosophical basis for ethical decisions, guidance for ethical decision making in engineering practice, ethics of social responsibility, professionalism, case studies, and codes of conduct for engineers.
GERM 201/202 Second Year German 1/2 Transfer Credits from High School German Classes

*Most descriptions on this page have been copied from the official NDSU website and are not my own descriptions